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1、JIN TIAN ,TOM COME TO CHIAN ,LET ME TELL YOU the XI SU ABOUT CHIAN,IT IS GOOD FORYOU HEALTH;Dear David,I am LiHua I am glad to read your notice on the internet and I know you want to make friends with a Chinese in order to learn the Chinese language and culture I want to be your friend;端午节,又称为五五节,因为端午节是在农历的五月五日,是三个重要的中国节庆之一,其他两个分别是中秋节和农历新年这个节日的由来是古代中国有一位博学多闻的官吏屈原,他是一位爱民而且又受到尊崇的官吏,但是由於一位;Lisa is a China students, she and her America friend Tony is on the Chinese and American different reaction in some social occasions And good friends, Chinese often stand quite close together, side by side。

2、英文期刊有机化学创刊于1975年,是由中国科学院主管,中国化学会中国科学院上海有机化学研究所主办的学术期刊主要刊登有机化学领域基础研究和应用基础研究的原始性研究成果设有综述与进展研究论文研究通讯研究;我是一位在中国生活好几年的外国朋友,正因为中国朋友拥有一颗善良与热情的心,所以这几年的生活带给了我无数的乐趣与感动,它们是我人生中最美好的回忆为此我要借助这个平台向我的中国朋友们说声谢谢祝你们身体健健;she is certain to make more friends in the future一个人应广交朋友朋友越多,他的生活将更有意义同样,一个国家也需要朋友譬如,今天的中国,朋友遍天下随着开放政策成功的施行,中国将会有更多的朋友However。

3、一下子口语就培养起来 学习成长是绝对快速显着的好朋友Yaoyao, my best friend, is my gh school classmate We were deskmates during grade one She wore long hair, and she looked most beautiful when lau;您好,很高兴回答您的问题一个中国朋友在英语里可以这样说a Chinese friend希望能帮到您。

4、一位在中国学习的美国人中午有个约会当他上车的时候his bicycle a Chinese friend passed by quotHave you eaten yet”The young Chinese asked This, of 一位中国朋友路过他的自行车“你吃过饭了吗”年轻的;下面是一篇范文,希望能够帮助到你Dear friend,亲爱的朋友,Nowadays, with the development of technology, many young people stay indoors and play computer all the time Especially for those who stay up very late;the chinese pronaunciation has four tone it sounds the music 1234 I found it by myself , everyone like music , if you like music , then you can grasp the pronaunciation easily the second , you。

5、Everyone needs friends A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others Smile at others and you are;Dear 美国朋友的名字,Greetings!I noticed that you are interested in chinese traditional festivals You know what? The best idea is to experience them yourself You are more than welcome to come and visit;It is also my dream to visit UK one day I hope to hear your response soon To end this email, I would like to say #39谢谢你‘ which means thank you This is lesson #1 Ha ha! Bye。中国论文网免费学术期刊论文发表,目录,论文查重入口,本科毕业论文怎么写,职称论文范文,论文摘要,论文文献资料,毕业论文格式,论文检测降重.
